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Curriculum Vitae

You can find my CV here. Please contact me at the listed gmail address if you would like to discuss my work.


Towner, A. P. M., Brogan, C. L., Hunter, T. R., Cyganowski, C. J., “VLA Observations of 9 Extended Green Objects in the Milky Way: Ubiquitous Weak, Compact Continuum Emission, and Multi-epoch Emission from CH3OH, H2O, and NH3Masers,” 2021, ApJ, accepted (in press). (arXiv)

Hunter, T. R., Brogan, C. L., De Buizer, J. M., Towner, A. P. M. et al., “The Extraordinary Outburst in the Massive Protostellar System NGC 6334 I-MM1: Strong Increase in Mid-Infrared Continuum Emission,” 2021, ApJL, 912, L17. (Link)

Towner, A. P. M., “Investigating the Early Stages of Massive Star Formation in Protocluster Environments: Multiwavelength Studies of Extended Green Objects,” 2020, Ph.D. Thesis. (Link)

Brogan, C. L., Hunter, T. R., Towner, A. P. M., et al., "Sub-arcsecond (sub)millimeter imaging of the massive protocluster G358.93-0.03: Discovery of 14 new methanol maser lines associated with a hot core," 2019, ApJL. (Link)

Towner, A. P. M., Brogan, C. L., Hunter, T.R., et al., "SOFIA FORCAST Photometry of 12 Extended Green Objects in the Milky Way," 2019, ApJ, 875, 135. (Link)

Towner, A. P. M., Brogan, C. L., Hunter, T. R., et al., "VLA Survey of Dense Gas in Extended Green Objects: Prevalence of 25 GHz Methanol Masers," 2017, ApJS, 230, 22. (Link)

Turner, J. D., Pearson, K. A., Biddle, L. I., et al., "Ground-based Near-UV Observations of 15 Transiting Exoplanets: constraints on their atmospheres and no evidence for asymmetrical transits," 2016, MNRAS, 459, 879. (Link)

Turner, J. D., Smart, B. M., Hardegree-Ullman, K. K., et al., "Near-UV and Optical Observations of the Transiting Exoplanet TrES-3b," 2013, MNRAS, 428, 678. (Link)

Talks and Posters

I gave a Dissertation Presentation on January 06, 2020 at the 235th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (Session #229.03) in Honolulu, HI. Recordings of the 235th AAS oral sessions are not yet available; this page will be updated if/when a recording of the talk becomes available.


You can find a recording of another recent talk - given for the SOFIA TeleTalk Series - at this link.


You can also find my most recent poster here.


© 2020 by A. P. M. Towner

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